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ᅀਠึᄿψ˾ڌஈҞৃ                 17
                                                                                                                 CMA Guangzhou Branch Newsletter


         Trade Adjustment Assistance in Guangdong Province

                                                                               Trade Adjustment Assistance refers to an institutional arrangement whereby the government
                                                                               helps enterprises in temporary difficulties due to sudden changes in the international trading
                                                                               environment, surge in imports or forced relocation of industries to tide over their difficulties,
                                                                               and is a policy tool widely used by major economies around the world. From the Pilot Measures
                                                                               on Trade Adjustment Assistance for the China (Shanghai) Free Trade Pilot Zone in 2017 to the
                                                                               Measures  on  Trade  Adjustment  Assistance  for  Shanghai  Municipality  in  2021,  the  Mainland
                                                                               China has accumulated experience through the ‘early and pilot implementation’ of the
                                                                               Shanghai FTZ, and has allowed localities to set up a sound trade adjustment assistance system
                                                                               in light of local realities.
                                                                               In January 2024, the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province selected China Quality
                                                                               Certification Centre, Beijing Jijia Intellectual Property Agency Company Limited (Guangzhou
                                                                               Branch), Beijing Pacific Century Law Firm (Guangzhou), and Guangdong E-Business Association
                                                                               as the implementing agencies of the Trade Adjustment Assistance project through open tender,
                                                                               and issued the ‘Guidelines for Application for Trade Adjustment Assistance Projects of the
                                                                               Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province’. The accompanying ‘Guangdong Trade
                                                                               Adjustment Assistance Service Platform’ is launched simultaneously. The assistance includes
                                                                               services in the areas of testing and certification, intellectual property rights, foreign-related
                                                                               laws, marketing and promotion, etc. The maximum amount of assistance for a single project is
                                                                               limited  to  200,000  RMB.  Enterprises  that  meet  the  basic  conditions  and  conditions  for
                                                                               assistance can apply for assistance, including registration and establishment in Guangdong
         貿易調整援助指政府幫助因國際貿易環境突然變化、進口激增或產                                         Province (excluding Shenzhen), sound financial system, good credit, operating difficulties are
         業被迫轉移等而陷入暫時困難企業渡過難關的一種制度安排,是全                                         not due to their own mismanagement or changes in the normal business cycle, the enterprise
         球主要經濟體廣泛使用的一項政策工具。借鑒發達經濟體的實踐經                                         2022 operating income fell by more than 10%.
         驗,中國內地正在建立符合世界貿易組織規則和自身國情的貿易調                                         Enterprises can sign an assistance service contract with the implementing agency selected by
         整援助制度。從2017年的《中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區貿易調整援                                      the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province according to their needs, and the
                                                                               implementation organisation will provide services to the enterprises. Upon completion of the
         助試點辦法》到2021年的《上海市貿易調整援助辦法》,內地通過                                       assistance services, the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province will settle the bill
         上海自貿試驗區的「先行先試」積累了經驗,並讓各地方結合本地                                         with the implementing organisation in accordance with the assistance standards and reduce or
         實際建立健全貿易調整援助制度。                                                       waive part of the costs incurred by the enterprise. The application deadline is 1 October 2024,
                                                                               please refer to the following link for details.
         2024年1月,廣東省商務廳通過公開招標選定中國質量認證中心、                                       i.   Platform:
         北京集佳知識產權代理有限公司廣州分公司、北京市盈科(廣州)律                                        ii. Guidelines:

         i. 廣東省貿易調整援助服務平台:
         ii. 申報指南:

                        ᛇڎધ౜ 23 DPEF ቡᛘϤʫ࢙                                     ௪ൗj͉˖ᇃʫ࢙˸ʕ˖وމ๟
                                                                               Information collation: The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong
                                                                               Remarks: The Chinese version shall prevail
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