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         城大研發超級透氣穿戴式電子設備 助長期穩定監測生物信號

         CityUHK develops super permeable wearable electronics for stable, long-term biosignal monitoring

                                                                               Wearable electronics play a significant role in promoting health and fitness. Continuous
                                                                               monitoring of physiological signals over a prolonged period is essential for gaining a
                                                                               comprehensive perspective on an individual's overall health status and personalised
                                                                               therapeutics. However, the long-term signal stability could be influenced by sweat or air

                                                                               Scientists at City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) have developed super wearable electronics
                                                                               that are lightweight, stretchable and increase sweat permeability by 4,000-fold, enabling
                                                                               reliable long-term monitoring of biosignals for biomedical devices.
                                                                               Led by Professor Yu Xinge in CityUHK’s Department of Biomedical Engineering (BME), the
                                                                               research team has recently developed a universal method to creating these super wearable
                                                                               electronics that allow  gas and sweat permeability,  and can provide continuous and stable
                                                                               monitoring of vital signs without causing discomfort or signal disruption brought about by
                                                                               The team has developed a fundamental methodology from materials processing, device
                                                                               architecture and system integration for integrated permeable wearable electronics based on a
                                                                               three-dimensional liquid diode (3D LD) configuration.
          The  permeable  wearable  electronics  developed  by  the  team  for  long-term  biosignal   The findings have recently been published in the prestigious journal Nature under the title “A
          monitoring.                                                          three-dimensional liquid diode for soft, integrated permeable electronics”.



         研究成果最近於知名科學期刊《自然》發表,題為「用於柔軟、集成                                         于教授(右二)及其團隊。
                                                                                Professor Yu (2nd from right) and his team.
                                                                               “Incorporating a 3D spatial liquid manipulation technique, we have achieved fully integrated
         于教授說:「結合三維空間液體操控技術,我們製成全面整合的透氣                                        permeable electronics that match the circuitry and functionality to state-of-the-art wearable
         電子設備,其電路和功能與最先進的穿戴式設備相匹配,達致超強的                                        devices, enabling superb breathability,” said Professor Yu. “The 3D LD does not rely on unique
                                                                               materials but adopts an in-plane liquid transport layer called the horizontal liquid diode.”
         透氣度。三維液體二極體無須使用獨特材料,而是採用一種名為水平                                        And because of its thin, lightweight, soft, and stretchable features, the device demonstrated
         液體二極體的平面液體傳輸層。」                                                       exceptional compatibility with the human body, effectively adhering to the skin, maintaining a
                                                                               comfortable  and stable  interface  between the  device  and the  skin, providing high-quality
         另外,基於其薄、輕、柔軟和可伸展的特性,該設備與人體具有良好                                        signals.
         的相容性,能有效地黏附在皮膚上,保持設備與皮膚之間的介面舒適                                        “Our findings provide fluid manipulation and system integration strategies for the soft,
         穩定,從而提供高質信號。                                                          permeable wearables. We have successfully applied this technology to both advanced
                                                                               skin-integrated electronics and textile-integrated electronics, achieving reliable health
         于教授說:「我們的研究為柔軟、透氣穿戴式設備提供了流體操控和                                        monitoring over a weeklong duration,” said Professor Yu.
         系統集成技術。我們成功將這項技術應用於先進的皮膚集成電子設備                                        Currently, the team is advancing to clinical trials to confirm the effectiveness of their technology
         和貼於衣服上的集成電子設備,能作出長達一周的可靠健康監測。」                                        in real-world scenarios.

         團隊目前正進一步作臨床試驗,以確定將技術應用到現實情景的成效。                                       Professor Yu is the corresponding author. Dr Zhang Binbin, Dr Li Jiyu, Zhou Jingkun, and Chow
                                                                               Lung are the paper's first authors. Dr Zhang and Dr Li are postdoctoral fellows in the BME and
         于教授為論文的通訊作者,張彬彬博士、李冀豫博士、周靖昆及鄒龍                                        Hong Kong Centre for Cerebro-Cardiovascular Health Engineerings, an InnoHK centre.

                                                                               For enquiries, please contact Development Office of CityU at 3442-5306 or via email
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