Page 17 - CMA_bulletin_2024-_4_issue_online
P. 17

ึࡰÑᛇڎอึࡰ              17
                                                                                                                         Our Members−Welcome!

         ᛇڎ                OUR MEMBERS


                             ௚੫࠰ಥϞࠢʮ̡                                                           ׼ᔮ࠮ۜϞࠢʮ̡
                             Nestlé Hong Kong Limited                                           Ming Fung Food Factory Limited
                             ˾ڌjੵ䄉΋͛€໨ԫᐼ຾ଣ                                                     ˾ڌjॽ͑Έ΋͛€຾ଣ
                             ପۜj̲ᗳձԪ཈ପۜe௛ጞeᇅᗳϘ᎛eᏃ̼Յ࠮                                            ପۜjᙢeථчͤe˥ჲͤ
                                  ۜeդਥභۜഃ                                                       Representative: Mr Yung Wing Kwong (Manager)
                             Representative: Mr Cheung Mung (Managing Director)                 Product: Noodle, wonton wrap, dumpling wrap
                             Product:  Dairy and yoghurt products, ice cream, cereal
                                    breakfast, baby and toddler food, and coffee etc.

                             ጲբञೈՓЪהϞࠢʮ̡                                                        อ೯षݭൢᓙ ࠰ಥ Ϟࠢʮ̡
                             CM Bakery Production Limited                                       Emerging Viral Diagnostics (HK) Limited
                             ˾ڌjɕӸᘆɾɻ€໨ԫ                                                       ˾ڌjᄎᆀࢬ௹ɻ€ᑌΥ௴፬ɛ ᐼ൒
                             ପۜjञೈႡۜ                                                            ପۜj᜗̮ൢᓙӻ୕e޼೯͛ପe͛ي߅ҦeҦஔᔷʷ
                             Representative: Mdm Ting Sau Lai (Director)                        Representative: Dr Lau Lok Ting(Terence)
                             Product: Baked goods                                                                 (Co-Founder and President)
                                                                                                Product: IVD system, R&D & Manufacture, Biotech,
                                                                                                        Tech Transfer

                             ່ጳΙՏᅀϞࠢʮ̡                                                          బ୿ණྠϞࠢʮ̡
                             Yee Hing Printing Factory Limited                                  ASL Group Limited
                             ˾ڌj቎၀૶ɾɻ€຾ଣ                                                       ˾ڌjᇹΟతɾɻ€໨ԫ
                             ପۜjॷۜ̍ༀʿΙՏ                                                         ପۜjҳ༟ʿ൱׸
                             Representative: Mdm Tang Pik Ching Anna (Manager)                  Representative: Mdm Choi To May (Director)
                             Product: Packaging product manufacturer                            Product:Investment & trade

                             І್ڀᖵϞࠢʮ̡                                                           Face Worldwide
                             / 'MPSJTU $PNQBOZ -JNJUFE
                             ˾ڌjᄎၥྱɾɻ€௴፬ϓࡰ                                                     ˾ڌjර̙ࠬ΋͛€࠯ࢩᚥਪ
                             ପۜjಔيʿᒻڀආɹeཧਯeணࠇeҭ೯                                                ପۜjִ݁༟пᚥਪ
                             Representative: Mdm Lao I Seong (Founder Members)                  Representative: Mr Deacon Wong (Chief Consultant)
                             Product:Plant and flower import, retail, design, wholesale          Product: Government funding advisory

                             ʕऎᄿѓ࢝ᚎϞࠢʮ̡                                                         & ' %FTJHO -JNJUFE
                             United Advertising and Exhibition Limited
                             ˾ڌjᔝёνɾɻ€໨ԫᐼ຾ଣ                                                    ˾ڌjඹ˂ᘴ΋͛€੬ਕ໨ԫ
                             ପۜjึᙄe࢝ᚎᄿѓ˾ଣ                                                       ପۜj܃ʫணࠇʮ̡
                             Representative: Mdm Lam Kwan Yu                                    Representative: Mr Fung Tin Yiu Eric
                                               (Managing Director)                                                (Managing Director)
                             Product: Conference, event, exhibition & advertising               Product: Interior design

                             ͑ਃ̍ༀΙՏϞࠢʮ̡                                                         ؇؁ཥ໘ᚥਪϞࠢʮ̡
                             Wing Wai Packaging & Printing Company Limited                      Eastop Computer Consultants Limited
                             ˾ڌj໢Խޛʃ֎€।ࣣ                                                       ˾ڌjቍᘩඪɾɻ€Б݁ᐼ൒
                             ପۜj৷ॴ̍ༀΙՏ                                                          ପۜjΆุ༟๕ࠇྌ၍ଣӻ୕
                             Representative: Ms Ip Pui Ling Michelle                            Representative: Mdm Sophie Cheng (CEO)
                                               (Personal Assistant to Director)                 Product: ERP System
                             Product: High-end packaging & printing
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