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ᅀਠึᄿψ˾ڌஈҞৃ                 15
                                                                                                                 CMA Guangzhou Branch Newsletter


         China unveils plan on equipment renewal, trading-in of consumer goods

         2024年3月13日,國務院正式印發《推動大規模設備更新和消費品                                      China has released an action plan to promote the large-scale equipment upgrades and trade-in
         以舊換新行動方案》(簡稱《行動方案》)。                                                  of consumer goods, as part of its efforts to boost domestic demand and support continuous
                                                                               economic growth this year.
         《行動方案》提出,到2027年,工業、農業、建筑、交通、教育、                                       The action plan issued by the State Council, is aimed at increasing its investment in equipment
         文旅、醫療等領域設備投資規模較2023年增長25%以上﹔重點行業                                      for industry, agriculture, construction, transportation, education, culture, tourism and medical
         主要用能設備能效基本達到節能水平,環保績效達到A級水平的產能                                        care by at least 25 percent by 2027, compared with 2023. For industrial enterprises above the
                                                                               designated size, the penetration rate of digital research and development and design tools
         比例大幅提升,規模以上工業企業數字化研發設計工具普及率、關鍵                                        should exceed 90 percent, while the numerical control rate of key processes should surpass 75
         工序數控化率分別超過90%、75%﹔報廢汽車回收量較2023年增加                                     percent by 2027.
         約一倍,二手車交易量較2023年增長45%,廢舊家電回收量較2023                                    As of 2027, the recycling volume of scrapped vehicles is planned to roughly double from the
         年增長30%,再生材料在資源供給中的佔比進一步提升。                                            level of 2023, while used car transactions will increase by 45 percent, the plan states. In
                                                                               addition, recycling of used household appliances will increase by 30 percent by 2027 compared
         《行動方案》明確了5方面20項重點任務。一是實施設備更新行動。                                       with 2023.
         推進重點行業設備更新改造,加快建筑和市政基礎設施領域設備更                                         The plan specifies 20 key tasks in five sectors, namely equipment renewal, consumer goods
         新,支持交通運輸設備和老舊農業機械更新,提升教育文旅醫療設備                                        trade-in, used goods recycling, standard leveling-up and policy reinforcements, and fiscal and
                                                                               financial support.
         新,推動家裝消費品換新。三是實施回收循環利用行動。完善廢舊產                                        According to the action plan, an effort will be made to promote equipment upgrades in the
                                                                               directions of energy conservation and emission reduction, ultra-low emissions, safe production,
         品設備回收網絡,支持二手商品流通交易,有序推進再制造和梯次利                                        digital transformation and intelligent upgrading, which is conducive to promoting the
         用,推動資源高水平再生利用。四是實施標准提升行動。加快完善能                                        high-end, green and intelligent industry and further expanding effective investment.
         障,強化創新支撐。                                                             ༟ࣘ዆ଣj࠰ಥʕശᅀਠᑌΥึ
                                                                               Information collation: The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong
                                                                               Remarks: The Chinese version shall prevail
                        ᛇڎધ౜ 23 DPEF ቡᛘϤʫ࢙
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