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         Electronic Power Assist Trolley System

                                                                              The demand for innovation and technology by different industries has been increasing rapidly
                                                                              in recent years. Enterprises have been exploring different technologies to enhance efficiency
                                                                              and productivity in their daily operation. In the logistics industry, as well as many other
                                                                              industries, workers have to deliver heavy items repeatedly, which may cause work injuries.
                                                                              Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) has, therefore, developed the
                                                                              Electronic Power Assist Trolley System to make the transportation of heavy items easier and
                                                                              enhance efficiency.

                                                                              The Electronic Power Assist Trolley System is equipped with an intuitive control function. Electronic
         電動助力手推車備有直覺式操控功能,巧妙地將傳感器內置於手推車的手                                     sensors are strategically embedded in the trolley handlebar to measure the micro deformation of
         柄中,當使用者用力推動手柄時,傳感器便會測量手柄物料的微細變形程                                     the materials when force is applied by the user. Based on the sensors’ value, the onboard AI
         度,並根據從中取得的數值,透過手推車上的人工智能控制器,以每秒                                      controller calculates the torque vector at a frequency of 100 times per second. The torque is then
                                                                              amplified by two motors connected to the wheels of the trolley to control the steering, forward
         100 次的頻率計算出當中所涉及的扭矩力,令與車輪連接的兩個摩打將扭                                   movement and backward movement of the trolley. Without buttons, joysticks and controllers, the
         矩力倍增,以控制手推車轉向、前進或後退。電動助力手推車沒有加設按                                     control of the trolley is the same as that of traditional trolley. No prior training is required by the user.
         鈕、操縱桿及控制器,它的操控方式與傳統手推車相同,工作人員毋須事                                     The trolley makes transporting heavy items easier, safer, and more efficient. Additionally, the trolley’s
         先接受相關的培訓。使用手推車時,工作人員無需大力推拉手推車便能輕                                     built-in power regeneration and brake system allows it to be safely used even on ramps. It is suitable
         鬆地移動重物,有助減低他們搬運重物時受傷的風險。電動助力手推車能                                     for adoption in different industries, such as logistics industry, property management industry, and
                                                                              hotel industry, etc.
         再生及刹車系統讓工作人員即使在斜坡上亦能安全地使用手推車。電動助                                     The Electronic Power Assist Trolley System was showcased in some recent industry events and a lot of
                                                                              enquiries about the adoption of the trolley were received. It was demonstrated in the LSCM Logistics
         力手推車適用於不同行業,例如物流業、物業管理行業、酒店業等。                                       Summit, Asian Logistics, Maritime and Aviation Conference (ALMAC) and OSH Innovation & Technology
         LSCM於近期的業界活動展示電動助力手推車,包括LSCM物流高峰會、                                   Award and Expo. The trolley was also awarded a Gold Medal in the 48th International Exhibition of
         亞洲物流航運及空運會議、職安健創新及科技博覽;吸引了不少業界人士                                     Inventions of Geneva.

                                                                               Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
                                                                               查詢電話 Enquiry:3973 6200
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