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         盛事一連串 客從四方來

         A Series of Grand Events
         Attracting Guests Coming from All over the World

                                                                                                ю͑ྗᙄࡰ ##4 ˄̻୛ɻ
                                                                                                The Hon Ng Wing Ka, Jimmy, BBS JP
                                                                                                CMA Legislative Council Representative

         巴黎奧運下月開幕,特區政府已購入這個世界體育盛事的轉播權,並交由                                     Paris Olympics Opening Next Month, Local Government Secures Broadcasting Rights for this
         本地五家電視台播放,大家是否已做好準備,盡情投入奧運狂熱呢?                                       Global Sporting Extravaganza, to be Televised by Five Local TV Stations. Are You Ready to Dive
                                                                              into the Olympic Frenzy?
         講到盛事,今年本港盛事不但繁多,而且吸客力極強。就如四月舉行的七                                     Speaking of grand events, this year Hong Kong not only has a multitude of remarkable
         人欖球賽,三天賽事入場人次超過10萬,全城火熱。有新西蘭球迷接受電                                    happenings but also possesses incredible drawing power for visitors. Take, for example, the Hong
         視台訪問時直言,留港三日,每人花兩萬港元,毫不手軟,盛事為本港帶                                     Kong Sevens rugby tournament held in April, which attracted over 100,000 attendees over three
                                                                              days, igniting the entire city. A New Zealand fan, interviewed by a television station, openly stated
         來巨大經濟效益,可見一斑!                                                        that during their three-day stay, each person spent HKD 20,000 without hesitation. The
         擦亮金漆招牌 業界獻力                                                          economic benefits these grand events bring to Hong Kong are evident!
                                                                              Polishing the Golden Signboard, the Industry Contributes Efforts.
         本港銳意打造「盛事之都」,讓東方之珠繼續魅力四射。當局早前公布,                                     The government is eager to establish Hong Kong as the "Capital of Grand Events," ensuring that
         今年全年會舉辦大約150項盛事,涵蓋金融經濟、貿易展覽、文化、藝                                     the Pearl of the Orient continues to shine brightly. It was announced earlier that approximately
         術、體育,種類多元,五光十色。各類盛事都能帶動旅遊、酒店、餐飲、                                     150 grand events covering finance, trade exhibitions, culture, arts, and sports will be held
         零售等百業生意,令人振奮!參看官方數據,粗略估算,每150萬名旅客                                    throughout the year, showcasing a diverse range of activities that captivate the city. All these
                                                                              events have the potential to drive tourism, hospitality, dining, retail, and various other industries,
         可為本港帶來約0.1個百分點的本地生產總值(GDP)增長。                                        creating an exhilarating atmosphere. According to official data, a rough estimate suggests that
         旅遊業是本港經濟重要支柱之一,疫情前佔GDP大約4.5%,提供超過25                                  every 1.5 million tourists can contribute around 0.1 percentage points of local Gross Domestic
                                                                              Product (GDP) growth.
         萬個就業機會。旅發局早前公布數據,今年首季度共有1123  萬人次旅客                                  The  tourism industry  is one  of  the key  pillars  of  Hong  Kong's  economy,  accounting for
         訪港,同比增加1.5 倍,環比增加5%;其中內地訪港旅客約870 萬人次,                                approximately 4.5% of GDP and providing over 250,000 job opportunities before the pandemic.
         同比增幅近1.6  倍,約佔整體來港旅客的77%,反映本港疫後大力全球宣                                 The Hong Kong Tourism Board recently released data showing that there were a total of 11.23
         傳推廣初見成效。                                                             million visitor arrivals in the first quarter of this year, an increase of 1.5 times year-on-year and 5%
                                                                              compared to the previous quarter. Among them, approximately 8.7 million visitors came from
         政府成立了跨部門統籌協調組,全方位推動盛事經濟,吸引世界各地旅客                                     mainland China, representing about 77% of the total number of visitors and indicating the initial
                                                                              success of Hong Kong's post-pandemic global promotion efforts.
         事,商界和民間齊心獻力十分重要,貿發局今年將舉辦大約40項大型國際                                    The government has established a cross-departmental coordination group to comprehensively
                                                                              promote the economic benefits of grand events and attract tourists from around the world,
         展覽及會議,助力推動盛事經濟,並向全球來賓說好香港故事。廠商會亦                                     polishing the "Capital of Grand Events" brand, gathering popularity, and stimulating prosperity. It
         一直致力舉辦各種展覽活動,其中工展會不但是產品展銷會的名牌,更是                                     is crucial for the business sector and the public to work together to ensure the success of these
         香港每年壓軸盛事之一,吸客無數。                                                     grand events. The Trade Development Council will host approximately 40 large-scale
                                                                              international exhibitions and conferences this year, contributing to the promotion of the grand
         增加會展場地 刻不容緩                                                          event economy and telling the Hong Kong story to global guests. The Chamber of Commerce has
                                                                              also been committed to organizing various exhibitions and events, with the Industrial Exhibition
         可惜,本港正面臨會展場地不足的重大挑戰。事實上,特區政府已有鴻圖                                     being one of the most prominent, attracting numerous visitors.
         大計,《施政報告》提出擴建會展設施,包括灣仔會展及赤鱲角亞洲博覽                                     Urgent Need to Increase Exhibition Venue
         館二期。然而,灣仔會展擴建涉及三棟政府大樓重置及拆建,動輒十年;                                     However, Hong Kong is currently facing a significant challenge of insufficient exhibition venues.
         至於亞博館用地,現時仍被北大嶼山醫院香港感染控制中心佔用。我曾在                                     The government has a visionary plan to expand exhibition facilities, including the expansion of
         立法會追問亞博館擴建進度,惟局方暫未能定出具體時間表。我希望政府                                     the Wan Chai Exhibition Centre and Phase II of the AsiaWorld-Expo in Chek Lap Kok. However,
                                                                              the expansion of the Wan Chai Exhibition Centre involves the resettlement and demolition of
         能急業界所急,盡快制定措施,果斷協助產業升級,推動大灣區會展業聯                                     three government buildings, which could take up to ten years. As for the AsiaWorld-Expo, the
         動發展,打造世界一流會展灣區。                                                      land is currently occupied by the North Lantau Hospital Hong Kong Infection Control Centre. I
                                                                              have previously inquired about the progress of the AsiaWorld-Expo expansion in the Legislative
         今年是《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》發布五周年。《綱要》第八章第三                                     Council, but the authorities have yet to provide a specific timetable. I hope the government can
         節提到,優化珠三角地區  「144小時過境免簽」政策,便利外國人在大灣                                  address industry concerns promptly, formulate measures, facilitate industry upgrading decisively,
                                                                              promote the coordinated development of the Greater Bay Area's exhibition industry, and create
         區旅遊觀光;支持香港成為國際城市旅遊樞紐及「一程多站」示範核心                                      a world-class exhibition hub.
         區,建設多元旅遊平台。                                                          This year marks the fifth anniversary of the release of the "Outline Development Plan for the
         不斷求變求新,方能持續永恆!我建議政府當局以嶄新思維,開拓更多                                      Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area." Chapter 8, Section 3 of the plan mentions
                                                                              optimizing the "144-Hour Visa-Free Transit" policy in the Pearl River Delta region to facilitate
         「一程多站」主題產品,例如「一程多站盛事遊」、「一程多站會展遊」                                     foreign tourists' travel and sightseeing in the Greater Bay Area. It also supports Hong Kong in
         等。香港盛事繽紛精彩,大灣區各市亦有很多獨特節慶,只要強強聯手,                                     becoming an international city tourism hub and a demonstration core area for "one journey,
         協力舉辦,聯動推廣,吸引旅客由香港玩到灣區各市,必定能創造「一加                                     multiple stops," constructing a diverse tourism platform.
         一大於二」的協同效益。                                                           Continuous innovation and transformation are essential for perpetual excellence! I suggest that
                                                                              the government adopt a fresh mindset and explore more "one journey, multiple stops" themed
         盛事携手辦,打卡食買玩,由朝玩到晚,盡興人人讚。                                             products, such as "Grand Event Tour - One Journey, Multiple Stops" or "Exhibition Tour - One
                                                                              Journey, Multiple Stops." Hong Kong's grand events are vibrant and spectacular, while each city
                                                                              in the Greater Bay Area has unique festivals. By joining forces and jointly organizing and
                                                                              promoting these events, we can attract tourists to explore both Hong Kong and other cities in the
                                                                              Greater Bay Area, creating synergistic benefits where the whole is greater than the sum of its
                        ᛇڎધ౜ 23 DPEF ቡᛘϤʫ࢙
                                                                              Grand events bring people together for unforgettable experiences, from morning to night, filled
                                                                              with joy and praised by all.
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