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                                                                                                                                   Cover Story

                                                                               Pet humanisation contributes to market size
                                                                               The phenomenon of “few kids, more pets” has put South Korea at the forefront of the pet economy.
                                                                               As  the  Korean  pet  market  size  increases  year-on-year,  pet-related  industries,  such  as  pet  food,
                                                                               veterinary care, and pet grooming, are becoming increasingly popular. As of February this year, the
                                                                               number of pet-related businesses in Korea reached 40,000, of which about 10,000 are veterinary
                                                                               and grooming businesses. According to the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs,
                                                                               Korea’s pet industry market is estimated to expand to KRW 1.5 trillion (about HK$ 85.87 billion) by
                                                                               2027. With the increasing diversification of consumer demand for pet food, the development of
                                                                               specialised products for different breeds, ages and health conditions is also predicted to continue,
                                                                               indicating the broad possibilities for the pet industry’s future.
                                                                               The industry’s booming development mirrors the phenomenon of “pet humanisation”, whereby
                                                                               pet owners regard their pets as family members. The owners’ commitment to their pets’ well-being
                                                                               is  no  longer  limited  to  basic  life  elements.  Rather,  it  extends  to  high-quality  food,  professional
                                                                               veterinary services, customised toys, advanced grooming treatments, professional training courses,
                                                                               and more. Pet photography and pet staycations, which allow pets to participate more in human
                                                                               activities, have become the latest in consumption trends among pet owners.

                                                                               Owners’ investment in their pets drives industrial diversification
         毛孩家長重金養寵 推動產業多元化                                                      According to the Pet Consumption Survey by Ipsos, an independent market research organisation in
                                                                               Hong Kong, a furry child in Hong Kong costs at least HK$680,000 in a lifetime on average. Among
         根據香港獨立市場調查機構Ipsos的「寵物消費調查」,在香                                         pet owners, 53.4% spend $1,000 to $4,999 per month, 16% spend $5,000 to $9,999 per month,
                                                                               and 7.4% spend more than $10,000 per month. Hong Kong pet owners are clearly very generous
         港,一個毛孩的一生需花費至少68萬港元,其中53.4%寵物主人                                       with their furry children. While the industrial chain is becoming increasingly complete, the potential
         每月消費達1,000元至4,999元,有16%每月花費5,000元至                                    of the local pet economy remains evident.
         9,999元,而每月花費超過$10,000元亦佔7.4%。可見,香港                                    In addition to investing in innovative and improved services to meet traditional needs, such as food,
         的寵物主人對他們的毛孩相當大方,本地寵物經濟的市場潛力可                                          grooming, and training, pawrents (pet parents) are seeking out other services. Of course, they all
         見一斑,而且產業鏈也愈來愈完整。                                                      want  their  furry  children  to  live  longer  and  healthier  lives.  Therefore,  pet  medicine,  healthcare,
                                                                               nutritional supplements, and even insurance have all become fast-growing areas in recent years.
         除了在食品、美容、訓練等傳統需求方面加入創新元素、提升                                           Hong Kong people love to travel, but local pawrents sometimes have to give up their travel plans to
         品質外,家長們都希望毛孩能夠更加健康長久地生活,因此寵                                           take care of their furry kids. Pet travel services and pet-friendly hotels are springing up to allow
         物醫療、保健、營養補充品,以至寵物保險都成為近年快速增                                           pawrents and their kids to travel together. Pet social platforms are appearing to make it easier for
         長的領域。                                                                 pawrents  to  share  adorable  moments  involving  their  furry  children  and  exchange  pawrenting
                                                                               experiences. These platforms can also provide important avenues for pet industries to promote
         港人熱愛旅遊,有時卻要為照顧毛孩而放棄旅行計劃,因此有愈                                          products and offer advice on pet health and ownership.
         來愈多人希望能夠帶着寵物一起旅行,寵物旅遊服務、寵物友好                                          The smart petcare industry meets pets’ emotional demands
         酒店等業務便應運而生。家長們亦有展示自己的寵物、交流飼養                                          The pet industry continues to segment to meet diverse growing needs. As young people are the
         經驗和尋找資訊的需求,寵物社交平台便能滿足這些需求,並為                                          main  consumers  of  pet-related  products,  and  their  needs  for  technological  applications  are
         相關企業提供例如合作推廣寵物用品、提供寵物健康和飼養建議                                          being  continuously  upgraded,  the  industry  has  entered  an  era  of  smart  transformation.
         等創造收入的機會。                                                             Currently,  mainstream  smart  pet  products  focus  on  pets’  physiological  needs  to  satisfy  pet
                                                                               owners’ demands for smart and convenient pet keeping. These products include smart water
                                                                               dispensers, smart feeders, smart positioning devices, and smart cat litter boxes.
         注重寵物精神需求 行業走向智能化                                                      However, as busy young pawrents frequently have limited spare time to accompany their furry
                                                                               children,  the  market  has  recently  seen  the  emergence  of  intelligent  pet  companion  robots.
         寵物行業不斷細分,朝着多樣化發展。同時,隨着年輕一代成為                                          These  robots  play  with  pets  and  monitor  their  dynamics,  helping  pawrents  to  satisfy  their
         寵物消費主力軍,對科技應用的要求不斷升級,行業進入智能化                                          children’s  emotional  needs.  Such  technology  is  expected  to  become  a  mainstream
                                                                               development trend in the future.

                        ᛇڎધ౜ 23 DPEF ቡᛘϤʫ࢙
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