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         Accelerating the Development of New Quality Productivity to
         Stimulate Dynamic Energy

                                                                                                ю͑ྗᙄࡰ ##4 ˄̻୛ɻ
                                                                                                The Hon Ng Wing Ka, Jimmy, BBS JP
                                                                                                CMA Legislative Council Representative

                                                                              The National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (NPC
                                                                              & CPPCC), also known as the "Two Sessions," concluded successfully in mid-March. One of the key
                                                                              highlights of this year's Two Sessions was the inclusion of "new quality productivity" as the top
                                                                              priority among the government's ten major tasks in Premier Li Qiang's government work report.
                                                                              This significant recognition underscores the central government's emphasis on promoting and
         全國兩會於3月中旬圓滿結束,這次兩會的焦點之一是國務院總理李強在                                     developing new quality productivity.
         政府工作報告中,首次將「新質生產力」列入今年政府十大工作任務之                                      In simple terms, "new quality productivity" refers to promoting productivity through
         首,充分突顯中央政府重視的程度。                                                     technological innovation. It involves strategically nurturing and strengthening emerging
                                                                              industries while also upgrading and transforming traditional industries. Since President Xi Jinping
         簡單而言,「新質生產力」是以科技創新推動生產力,既戰略性地培育壯                                     mentioned  "new quality  productivity"  during his inspection  and research in Heilongjiang  in
         大新興產業,亦同時升級改造傳統產業。自國家主席習近平於去年9月在                                     September  last year,  he  has  emphasized  it  on  various  occasions.  During  the  Two  Sessions,
         黑龍江考察調研期間提到「新質生產力」後,他在不同場合亦多次強調,                                     President Xi further elaborated on the development of "new quality productivity." He
         在兩會期間更對發展「新質生產力」作出進一步闡述,當中習主席便強調                                     emphasized that it does not mean neglecting or abandoning traditional industries, but rather,
                                                                              each region should develop "new quality productivity" according to local conditions and
         不是要忽視、放棄傳統產業,各地要因時制宜發展「新質生產力」。                                       circumstances.
         其實深圳、廣州近年在科研產業化的發展也相當成功,香港與其他大灣區                                     In fact, Shenzhen and Guangzhou have achieved significant success in the development of
         城市在科研領域、人才、資金方面亦各有優勢,各地可以發揮協同作用,                                     research-industry integration in recent years. Hong Kong, along with other cities in the Greater
         互助互補,助力融入國家發展大局。另一方面,香港特區政府必須抓緊機                                     Bay Area, also possesses advantages in terms of research, talent, and funding. By leveraging
         遇,加大創新力度,壯大本港新興產業。要實現高質量發展、達致「新質                                     synergies and complementing each other's strengths, these regions can contribute to the overall
                                                                              development of the country. On the other hand, the Hong Kong SAR government must seize the
         生產力」,都需要以創科為先導的發展戰略。目前,香港正大力建設國際                                     opportunity and enhance its innovation efforts to strengthen emerging industries in the city. To
         創新科技中心,特區政府於今年財政預算案中亦積極推進新型工業化和港                                     achieve high-quality development and realize the potential of "new quality productivity," a
         深創科園建設的工作部署,及積極發展高新技術、綠色經濟等這些新興產                                     development strategy led by innovation and technology is crucial. Currently, Hong Kong is
         業,這都是以創新服務國家發展戰略的重要對接點。特區政府需加快香港                                     actively building an international innovation and technology hub. The SAR government has also
                                                                              set forth initiatives in the fiscal budget this year to promote new industrialization and the
         新型工業化發展,利用北部都會區推動工業產業鏈供應鏈部署,加大新型                                     development of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park. Efforts are being
         工業化發展的投入力度,切實與國家現代化產業體系對接,積極融入國家                                     made  to  actively  develop  high-tech industries,  green economy,  and  other emerging  sectors,
         發展大局。                                                                serving as important points of convergence with the national development strategy. The SAR
                                                                              government needs to accelerate the development of new industrialization in Hong Kong, utilize
         事實上,中央政府加速發展「新質生產力」重視的程度,同時是為香港產                                     the opportunities in the northern metropolis to drive industrial and supply chain deployment,
         業轉型升級提供關鍵時刻,它能夠有力推動香港傳統產業高端化、智能                                      increase investment in new industrialization, effectively align with the national modern industrial
         化、綠色化發展,提升當前香港生產力發展水平,提高香港整體的競爭                                      system, and actively integrate into the overall national development agenda.
         力。因此,本港在發展「新質生產力」的同時,也千萬不要忽視或放棄傳                                     Indeed, the emphasis that the central government has placed on accelerating the development
         統產業的發展,要根據資源、產業基礎、科研條件等,推動新產業、新模                                     of "new  quality productivity"  presents a  crucial moment for  Hong Kong's industrial
         式、新動能發展。                                                             transformation and upgrading. It provides a strong impetus for the high-end, intelligent, and
                                                                              green development of traditional industries in Hong Kong, thereby enhancing the current level
         加快發展「新質生產力」是「極具前瞻性的布局」,香港可以從源頭創                                      of productivity and overall competitiveness. Therefore, while we focus on developing "new
         新、產業創新、人才創新三方面加速形成「新質生產力」。新興與傳統產                                     quality productivity," we must not overlook or abandon the development of traditional
         業兩者「雙軌並行」才能壯大香港固有優勢,帶動更大發展動力。筆者認                                     industries. Instead, we should promote the development of new industries, models, and drivers
                                                                              based on our available resources, industrial foundations, and research conditions.
         經濟增長動力有所提升,持續地推動經濟發展。                                                Accelerating the development of "new quality productivity" is a forward-looking strategy. Hong
                                                                              Kong can expedite the formation of "new quality productivity" through innovation at the source,
         現時,特區政府正就基本法第23條立法的工作全速進行,國家安全是香港                                    industrial innovation, and talent innovation. The coexistence of emerging and traditional
         繁榮安定的基石,香港在維護國家安全條例下,經濟社會才能聚焦朝向高                                     industries is  essential to leverage Hong  Kong's  inherent  advantages and drive greater
         質量發展,增強發展「興」的動能。                                                     development momentum. In my opinion, these new industries can not only facilitate the
                                                                              transformation and upgrading of traditional industries in Hong Kong but also contribute to the
                                                                              overall economic growth of China, continuously propelling economic development forward.
                                                                              Currently, the SAR government is actively working on the legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law.
                        ᛇڎધ౜ 23 DPEF ቡᛘϤʫ࢙                                    National security is the cornerstone of Hong Kong's prosperity and stability. With the
                                                                              maintenance of national security laws, Hong Kong's economy and society can focus on
                                                                              high-quality development and enhance the momentum for development.
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