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                                                                                                                                   Cover Story

                                                                               Price  increase  hasn’t  diminished  Mainland  catering  brand  appeal  in
                                                                               Hong Kong
                                                                               Hong Kong people are generous when consuming in the Mainland. They not only “eat”, “play”, and
                                                                               “shop” but also bring back various food items to Hong Kong. This trend has motivated numerous
                                                                               Mainland  chain  brands  to  expand  into  the  Hong  Kong  market,  encompassing  a  wide  range  of
                                                                               options such as regular meal, hotpot, fast food, snacks, teas, and even bakeries. In 2023 alone, 17
                                                                               catering brands opened their first stores in the city. Among those brands, Taier Chinese Sauerkraut
                                                                               Fish  opened  four  branch  stores  in  succession  with  the  assistance  of  InvestHK.  Taier’s  parent
                                                                               company, Jiumaojiu International Holdings Limited, has planned to establish 15 to 20 stores in Hong
                                                                               Kong. Bao’s Pastry ‒ one of the so-called “three must-buys in the Mainland” ‒ is also expected to
                                                                               enter Hong Kong in the first half of this year.
                                                                               Reasonable food prices and good service are the main reasons why Hong Kong people are attracted
                                                                               northward for food hunting. However, when the Mainland catering brands enter Hong Kong, they
                                                                               cannot avoid the city’s high rent and labour costs, leading to a significant increase in prices. At Yang
                                                                               Guo Fu Mala Tang in Central, for example, the food ingredients are priced at HK$19.8 for 100 grams,
                                                                               which is nearly three times higher than in the Mainland; meanwhile, the price of Xita Lao Tai Tai Grill
                                                                               is also about double that in the Mainland.
                                                                               Despite  the  increased  prices,  Hong  Kong’s  enthusiasm  for  Mainland  catering  brands  has  not
                                                                               dampened. The newly opened branch of Taier Chinese Sauerkraut Fish in Sha Tin New Town Plaza
         豐富中餐細分市場 帶動本地餐飲業提升服務                                                  boasts  a  long  queue  every  night,  and  the  bustling  scene  is  no  different  from  the  branch  in
                                                                               Shenzhen’s Link CentralWalk. This indicates that, thanks to established brand influence, actual price
         實際上,內地品牌來港擴張已非新鮮事。「海底撈火鍋」、「湊                                          has  become  a  secondary  factor  for  consumers.  It  takes  time  and  money  to  travel  north,  so  if
                                                                               consumers can enjoy the same service and quality of food in the Hong Kong branches, many are
         湊火鍋」、「絕味」、「喜茶」等內地餐飲品牌早在幾年前已進                                          willing to accept the higher ‒ though still reasonable ‒ price.
         輪內地知名餐飲品牌的入駐,將進一步豐富中餐的細分市場,給                                          Enriching the Chinese food market and driving service enhancement in the
         予消費者更多選擇,帶動本地消費。同時,原已具影響力的內地                                          local catering industry
         餐飲來港,必然會加劇本地餐飲市場的競爭,或許能鞭策香港餐                                          The expansion of Mainland brands into Hong Kong is not a new phenomenon. Haidilao Hotpot, Cou
         飲品牌改變現狀,以留住顧客。                                                        Cou Hot Pot, Jue Wei, and Heytea had already entered the Hong Kong market a few years ago,
                                                                               rapidly  establishing  a  presence  and  opening  branches  in  various  districts.  The  current  influx  of
                                                                               well-known Mainland catering brands will further enrich the market for segmented Chinese cuisine,
         例如,本地餐飲業的服務態度常遭人詬病,通關後兩地交通便                                           providing consumers with more choices and driving local consumption. At the same time, the arrival
                                                                               of influential Mainland brands in Hong Kong will inevitably intensify market competition, prompting
         捷,大批北上港人不僅享受到了更具性價比的食物,也感受到了                                          local catering brands to change the status quo to retain customers.
         內地食肆如沐春風的服務。優良的服務,相信是內地餐飲企業來                                          For instance, the local catering industry is often criticised for staff’s service attitude. A large number
         港的信心來源之一,亦能促進本地餐飲業的良性競爭,推升行業                                          of Hong Kong people who travel northbound appreciate not only the more cost-effective food but
         整體服務水平。                                                               also the warmth and welcoming service provided by Mainland restaurants. The arrival of Mainland
                                                                               catering enterprises, known for their excellent service, is expected to expedite the improvement and
                                                                               elevation of the overall service standards within the local catering industry.
         視香港為國際化跳板 布局更大市場                                                      Hong Kong as an international springboard to expand the market layout

         從戰略角度來看,內地餐飲紛紛來港的一個重要原因,是原有的                                          From  a  strategic  perspective,  one  important  reason  for  the  influx  of  Mainland  catering
         內地市場趨向飽和,需要向外尋求新市場。據業界人士分析,這                                          establishments  into  Hong  Kong  is  saturation  in  the  Mainland  market.  According  to  industry
                                                                               experts, these dining brands are converging in Hong Kong because they not only see potential
         些餐飲品牌今年不約而同地赴港「開荒」,除了看好香港市場,                                          in the Hong Kong market but also value the city’s superior international status. Using Hong Kong
         其實更看重香港優越的國際地位,希望透過香港這個平台提升知                                          as a platform, they hope to enhance their brand visibility and expand into overseas markets. This
         名度,繼而進軍海外市場;從另一角度看,反映他們對香港經濟                                          approach  also  reflects  their  confidence  in  Hong  Kong’s  economic  prospects  and  business
         前景和營商環境充滿信心,同時也意味着在投資者眼中,香港作                                          environment. It shows that the value of Hong Kong as a “super connector” remains unchanged
                                                                               in the eyes of investors.
                                                                               It is worth noting that most of the Mainland catering brands that entered Hong Kong last year were
                                                                               Guangdong-based companies. These companies, positioned adjacent to Hong Kong and Macau,
                                                                               were familiar with the Hong Kong market. Non-Guangdong-based enterprises, such as MIXUE Ice
         值得留意的是,去年進駐香港的內地餐飲品牌,大多是廣東企                                           Cream & Tea, have also established supply chains in Guangdong, indicating their preparations to
         業,毗鄰港澳,對香港市場更為熟悉,而非廣東企業如蜜雪冰                                           enter the Hong Kong market. Over the past five years since the release of the “Outline Development
         城,也在廣東省設立了供應鏈公司,為打入香港市場做足了準                                           Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”, there has been a deepening of
                                                                               economic and trade cooperation among the three regions. The movement of Mainland catering
         備。在《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》發布這5年間,三地的經                                          brands to Hong Kong can be seen as a manifestation of the strengthening bonds within the Greater
         貿合作不斷深化,由昔日港資餐飲品牌去內地擴張、佈局供應鏈                                          Bay Area.

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